

Conversion processes in which an external heat/energy supply is necessary


Overall process is independent of external heat/energy supply


Combined heat and power plant


(engl. RDF – refuse derived fuel)

Eluate free

no detachment, dissolving or washing out of the compacted residual material mixture possibleh


Thermolytic-Cracking-Process (splitting process by heating)


Organic Rankine Cycle/Energy from waste heat, thermodynamic cycle process. Named after the German physicist Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius and the Scottish engineer William John Macquorn Rankine.

WGL 2-50

(Waste Gasification Lines) 2 thermal lines/throughput: 50,000 t sorted high calorific residues/year.

Glossary – Alternativ Vorschlag

Begriff Definition
allotherm Conversion processes in which an external heat/energy supply is necessary
autotherm Overall process is independent of external heat/energy supply
BHKW Combined heat and power plant
EBS Input material to the pre-gasifier (processed waste from the sorting plant: also input material)
Eluate free no detachment, dissolving or washing out of the compacted residual material mixture possible
TCP Thermolytic-Cracking-Process (splitting process by heating)
TEC Turbulent Expansive Carbonbed (Kohlenstoff-Bewegtbett)
ORC Organic Rankine Cycle / Energie aus Abwärme, thermodynamischer Kreislaufprozess. Named after the German physicist Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius and the Scottish engineer William John Macquorn Rankine.
WGL 2-50 (Waste Gasification Lines) 2 thermal lines / throughput: 50,000 t sorted high calorific residues/year.